About us

Who we are

Experienced McKinsey consultants

We're experienced consultants, each of us with more than 7 years at McKinsey under our belt. On top of that, we've undergone the interview process at all other major firms and have deep insights into these companies via our network in the industry. We'd like to avoid disclosing our identities so we can keep giving you insider information.
Our backgrounds are quite diverse, and so are our experiences at McKinsey. Given our lengthy tenure at the firm, we had the opportunity to do projects in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, and across a variety of sectors and functions. Aside from project work, we were also involved in numerous internal activities such as recruiting, interviewing, and countless trainings. 
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What we do

We unmask the consulting industry and help you join it

The consulting industry – especially at the top – is a notorious, and often mysterious set of organizations. Adored by many of the most promising young students and graduates, condemned by others in media and politics, these firms are certainly leaving an imprint on our world. 
However, there's also a lot of wrong information out there, and for an outsider it's virtually impossible to distinguish fact from fiction. Even when we first applied for consulting jobs, there was already an entire ocean of information. That information often came from people who have never set a foot into a consulting firm. 
That's why we launched the Case Interview Hub. We want to provide you with trustworthy information, based on many years of experience at a top firm in consulting. We want to tell you more about these companies: What they do, and what's true and what's not true that you're reading in the media or in books. What it's like working for them. And most importantly, how to join them. Here we don't just want to describe the process. We want to prepare you along the entire journey and provide you with training that is actually useful and will also help you in your consulting career.
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